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Jan 19, 2022, 19 tweets

Fear of retaliation?

How about do a proper investigation without fear or favor?

I guess it's that time again to take my Rep. Lance Gooden clip out for a walk.

This insurrectionist congressman was at a 1/5 White House meeting the day before the insurrection.

Subpoena him.

@donwinslow if you see this clip from 1-5-2021, don't you wonder why this guy has not gotten a subpoena yet?

Lance Gooden was at the White House likely just prior to all the calls between the Willard War Room and Trump at the White House.

Wouldn't you want to know what Gooden was discussing at the White House?

He already talks about it in some detail in this clip...

Since he is publicly discussing details about what happened at the White House, there should be no reason why he would not want to discuss these details under oath before the @January6thCmte.

@January6thCmte Let's talk about the fear of retaliation again.

The wonderful Rep Zoe Lofgren published a report of 1,939 pages that lists public social media posts from Members of the U.S. House of Representatives who were sworn-in to office in Jan. '21 and who voted to overturn the election.

Not a typo: 1,939 pages!!

Including many posts that show conspiracy.

Conspiracy with the White House nonetheless! On video!

And now there is fear?

What is that fear?

As @DempseyTwo points out, it can't be the sacking of the Capitol because that already happened...

@DempseyTwo also wrote this thread about Rep. Zoe Lofgren's report.

Lofgren's report is essential for anyone who needs an easy way to sift through all the posts of these election objectors.

Y'all love @mtgreenee right?

Oh wait, she is suspended? Ah well..

I still have this video of her from 12-21-2020 where we see her leaving a planning session at the White House.

@mtgreenee On January 5th 2021, the day before the insurrection, she had another one of those planning sessions.

This is what she had to say:

So why the fear?

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lance Gooden were not the only ones attending planning meetings for January 6th on January 5th.

Rep. Lauren Boebert was also in such a planning meeting.

Read the story here:…

And why was rep. Lisa McClain meeting with Corey Lewandowski and two other men on January 5th?

You can read all about that story here:…

Maybe for a second let's listen to Ali Alexander.

Ali Alexander famously said he came up with the idea for January 6th with congressmen Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks and Andy Biggs.

And wouldn't it be a good idea to subpoena these 50 GOP Members of Congress who were also in a planning meeting with Trump on January 2nd 2021?…

So what is this fear about again?

How about we listen to Kevin McCarthy 1-6-2021.

His entire being was so filled with fear, he finally
dared to cross his puppet master Donald Trump out of pure desperation.

The bottom line:

You cannot complete a thorough investigation into what happened on 1-6-2021 if you don't at least make an effort to get all of these people before your committee.

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