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Writer, photographer, cyclist, illustrator, cat-adjacent. Lucasfilm booster. Quaker committed to nonviolence. Globerhomalist. He/his. #BOSTONSTROG

Jan 19, 2022, 11 tweets

I'm still making my way through all 35 issues of Bantha Tracks. #BanthaTracks19 brings us an interview with the great makeup artist, sculptor, and Yoda model Stuart Freeborn!

Freeborn here calls Greedo one of his favorite creature designs, and describes the mask's origin as a "Pea-Man" for a UK commercial. The "mohawk of quills" was a necessary addition to cover the seam that he had to cut because the plastic had stiffened up!

Freeborn worked on 2001, and says the opening sequence featured apes instead of Neanderthals for reasons of modesty. That was his first creature work, and the ape mouth mechanism was reused for Chewie (as well as getting him the gig!).

Freeborn was put in the hospital during the production of Star Wars by a toxic material he was using for creature design, opening the door for Rick Baker to step in and finish the job. Creature work is more dangerous than I expected (less so now, I hope).

I've heard Yoda described as a frog before, but this is the first time I've seen someone suggest that his head bumps are meant to be vestigial scales from an aquatic ancestor. I guess Freeborn would know!

At the time of the interview he was just about to head over to the States for Ewok work. The Ewok actors weren't available for fittings in England, so their costumes had to be made from measurements.

The dear departed Peter Mayhew wasn't scheduled for an interview, but he was kind enough to take some time with the Fan Club crew while they were visiting Elstree.

Big news: Revenge of the Jedi is now officially Return of the Jedi! George claims that was always the real title, and "Revenge" was just a working title for Jedi. Truth, or patented George Lucas revisionist history? 🧐 (I don't remember lobby posters saying "Blue Harvest".)

A cartoon from an Australian fan, with a very recognizable George behind the box of artificial snow.

Another potentially achievable collectible for the modern fan? "One of the most exquisite patches ever made."

Rev—ReTURN of the Jedi is just three months away, and Maureen Garrett is three exclamation marks' worth of all-caps excited. (Check out that cutie-pie dewback!) The Force is with us!

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