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Former investigative journalist on indefinite hiatus | Mastodon:

Jan 19, 2022, 6 tweets

Tish James including Trump Scotland in her brief of evidence is super interesting. Didn't think they'd go after his foreign deals.…

Trump's appraisal of his Scotland property to his tax accountant was based on a quote from Trump's own compliance officer to Forbes lol

This is brutal. Trump's counsel hired an appraiser for his Silver Springs property. The appraiser told them it was worth $29M-$50M. Trump then turned around and told his tax accountants at Mazars that it was worth $161M.

Capital One rejected a loan restructuring for Trump's property on Wall Street because the Trump Org gave them a valuation more than double what the bank appraised.

Trump's COO then went to his son's company and the valuation magically matched Trump's!

But still, that wasn't enough. The following year Trump added $200M more to the friendly valuation.

Trump falsely claimed that his penthouse was 3x bigger than it actually was, thus increasing the value by 64%. Weisselberg allegedly admitted to investigators that they overstated the valuation by "give or take" $200 million.

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