The Pee Tape | Jan 6 & docs case journalist Profile picture
Journalist | Donald Trump's nemesis. 📢 Forward this thread to Jack Smith and state prosecutors: 🧵

Jan 19, 2022, 11 tweets

I am waiting for these Obstruction of Justice charges.

Please don't tell me Garland is not taking action because Barr already decided not to charge.

Also still waiting for action on the Mark Meadows Contempt of Congress referral.…

How can you threaten public officials like that?

It would be nice to know if the FBI has gotten into action on this:

And how is it legal to do this? Does the 1st Amendment protect calls for violence?

Gallows from DC to California for "traitors"? WTF?

Please let a lawyer explain that to me.

They try to tell you the wheels of justice move slow and all the i's need to be dotted and all the t's need to be crossed for any meaningful action to happen.

Guess what? Not if you are a Trump critic.

Make no mistake: Michael Avenatti is a criminal who was rightfully arrested, charged and convicted.

But let's see if his case moved as slow as compared to Trump and his allies.

3-25-2019, Avenatti was arrested in NYC, and federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York announced that they were charging Avenatti with attempting to extort up to $25 million from Nike by threatening to make damaging charges against the company.

The arrest came about 15 minutes after Avenatti announced that he would be holding a press conference the next day, at which he claimed he would reveal information about a high school and college basketball scandal involving Nike.…

On February 14, 2020, Avenatti was found guilty on all three counts related to the attempted extortion of Nike. He faced potentially more than 40 years in prison.

On July 8, 2021, Judge Paul G. Gardephe sentenced him to 30 months in prison.

So tell me: when it comes to Trump and his allies, why is justice always moving at its slowest pace possible?

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