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Jan 19, 2022, 8 tweets

Special Address by @OlafScholz Federal Chancellor of Germany with @ProfKlausSchwab #DavosAgenda…

On tackling COVID-19, German Federal Chancellor @OlafScholz says, 'the big advantage we have over the virus is we can cooperate, and we do.'

Watch #DavosAgenda here:

.@OlafScholz outlines the magnitude of the task facing Germany to become net-zero.

Watch #DavosAgenda here:

'Change only works if it is by the people, for the people.'

Federal Chancellor of Germany @OlafScholz at #DavosAgenda.

Watch the session here:

'We will no longer wait for the slowest and least ambitious.'

Federal Chancellor of Germany @OlafScholz is calling for a 'paradigm shift' in international climate policy.

Watch the #DavosAgenda session here:

.@OlafScholz says that if we want global progress, we must overcome the divisions that currently hamper us.

Watch the #DavosAgenda session here:

'Without a truly global immunisation campaign, we will soon run out of letters in the Greek alphabet for new variants of the virus.'

@OlafScholz on COVID-19 vaccination strategy.

Watch the #DavosAgenda session here:

Watch the special address from the Federal Chancellor of Germany @OlafScholz here:

@ProfKlausSchwab #DavosAgenda

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