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Jan 19, 2022, 16 tweets

The US government experimented on vulnerable citizens to develop truth serum for interrogating Soviet spies.

Prisoners, drug addicts, prostitutes, and mental patients were tested against their will.

This is the true story of MKUltra


Projects Bluebird and Artichoke began in 1951. The CIA set out to determine if they could control the human mind.

They used morphine addiction with forced withdrawal, hypnosis, and LSD.

The project failed in usual govt fashion:

More money and the birth of MKUltra

In 1953 MKUltra was born. The goal was to develop a truth drug for enhancing interrogation, and develop mind control techniques.

This was the height of The Cold War. This information was valuable.

Some speculated the Soviets had a serum of their own at the time (they didn't).

The size and scope of MKUltra was massive.

They enlisted unwitting academics and encouraged them to develop a broad array of drugs intended to harm, confuse, or otherwise soften targets.

This was a massive government program costing millions of dollars.

The CIA set up secret camps in foreign territories where they conducted their experiments.

"Expendable" people and suspected foreign agents were subjected to horrendous torture and interrogation with no recourse.

The CIA set up brothels in San Francisco and used it to secretly dose people with LSD.

They acquired blackmail material by filming customers though one-way glass.

Some fellow CIA officials were even caught up in this scheme

The program went international.

In Canada they hired a psychiatrist who passed out LSD to his patients.

His victims underwent electroconvulsive therapy at 30-40x normal strength, often leaving them permanently crippled.

Although LSD was the primary drug used, there were plenty others.

• Amphetamines
• Barbiturates
• Alcohol
• Heroin
• Benzodiazepines
• Mescaline

And plenty others were used to torture their victims.

The program has some high-profile "participants" you may recognize:

> Allen Ginsberg
> Ken Kesey
> James "Whitey" Bulger
> Ted Kaczynski

There's even credible evidence the murderer of Robert F. Kennedy was part of the MKUltra Program.

Sirhan Sirhan's lawyer argued this as part of his defense.

There's a good chance we will never know the truth.

In 1973 the Watergate scandal broke. The govt panicked.

Richard Helms the CIA director ordered the files on MKUltra be destroyed.

In usual government fashion, someone had filed the paperwork wrong.

20,000 pages survived the purge, the only evidence we have to this day.

In 1975 the Church Committee and Rockefeller Report would reveal that the CIA and DoD experimented on human subjects.

It detailed many of the things discussed in this thread and finally brought the govt abuse to light.

MKUltra had been officially halted.

The Church Committee dragged the programs director, Sidney Gottlieb in front of the world.

In usual govt fashion he was able to avoid any punishment for his crimes.

She had a case of selective amnesia, stating he couldn't remember anything about the program he ran for years.

It's been nearly 50 years since the atrocities of MKUltra came to light.

This story is a reminder of the evil that surrounds us constantly.

These were govt officials, sworn to serve the public good. In the end they acted no different than Nazi scientists.

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