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Jan 19, 2022, 5 tweets

Novak Djokovic has purchased 80% of Danish biotech firm QuantBioRes, aiming to develop a medical treatment against COVID-19, the company's chief executive told Reuters

QuantBioRes CEO Ivan Loncarevic, who describes himself as an entrepreneur, says the investment was made in June 2020 but declined to reveal the amount

QuantBioRes has around 11 researchers working in Denmark, Australia and Slovenia, according to Loncarevic, who stresses they were working on a treatment, not a vaccine

The company is developing a peptide, which inhibits the coronavirus from infecting the human cell and expects to launch clinical trials in Britain this summer, Loncarevic added

Djokovic has stoked global debate about the rights of people who opt not to get vaccinated after he was deported from Australia on Sunday night, ruling him out of the #AusOpen

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