The People's Response Network to COVID-19(PRN)💉😷 Profile picture
Working to erase Chicago's racial gap accessing COVID-19 Vaccines, & Tests, etc, by rebuilding Chgo's public health infrastructure via Ordinance (O2021-1214).

Jan 19, 2022, 7 tweets

1/13/22 Wkly Children & COVID-19 State Data - Full Rpt…

9 states reported 300k+ child cases, children are 17.8% of all cases, 17 states reported >20% or 16k+ cumulative child cases. 12/30/21-1/13/22, there was a 20% increase in cumulated child COVID-19 cases (1,561,735 cases added (7,890,756 to 9,452,491)).

Giant spike in child COVID-19 cases in past week, West region hit hardest, case increases in both adults and children. Cumulative child COVID-19 cases are 9,452,491, 17.8% of all cases, or 12,558.6 per 100k children.

Cumulative child COVID-19 hospitalizations are 32,818, cumulative child COVID-19 deaths are 762.

AZ, NYC and OH have over 3k child COVID-19 hospitalizations and AZ has the most reported child COVID-19 deaths at 54.

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