Bruno Simon Profile picture
Creative developer • Freelancer • Teacher • WebGL lover • ∞ Learn how to create stunning 3D websites 👉

Jan 19, 2022, 12 tweets

That's it, Three.js Journey ( is 1 year old today 🎉

What a year it has been:
- More than 13k students
- Millions of minutes of videos seen
- Thousands of tweets from the students
- Thousands of students on the Discord server
- Many updates


To celebrate, let's make a cake 🎂

I've been learning Blender Geometry Nodes for a few weeks. Let's give it a try and create a procedural cake 👨‍🍳

I'm not sure I can do it but let's see where this goes and maybe implement it in Three.js

Actually, let's start with the candle 🕯

Good enough 🕯
Let's switch to the cake now.

Extruding in Blender Geometry Nodes is really complicated. I think they are working on an Extrude node but we have to use Curve to Mesh for now.

Anyway, here's the base of the cake 👍

And here's the ganache (though I'm not sure we say that in English)

Glare feels like cheating 🔥

Let's see how it looks with the Three.js Journey logo 🤞

After some tweaking, it works!

I love it 💜🎂

And most of it is proceduraly generated!
Meaning that you can tweak the parameters ⚙

Final render 📷

I'm having fun, but it's past midnight here. I don't think I'll implement it in Three.js (not today, at least)

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