Nirwa Mehta Profile picture
Acquired taste, here to create a dent in the universe. I seek peace but attract chaos.

Jan 20, 2022, 9 tweets

There's a suspected snake/mangoose/gho situation evolving in the house. Tune in for updates.

Her Highness, the stray that has adopted us, is unable to decide whether to chase the unknown creature in the garden or chase the monkeys who have also come visiting us.

Exercising first right on resources

Looks like whatever it is under this.

Her Highness isn’t convinced that there’s nothing under car. She’s sure the mystery animal is inside. Yeah, now we gotta set this car on fire, obviously, to get rid of it.

Update: Her Highness is digging all around and we now suspect whatever reptile it was has now gone 'underground'

it could also be a mouse, because we have one resident old mouse living in the garden, also a jaani dushman of Her Highness. But sources tell me the giant mouse has died recently. I shall update you guys once I know more. #ParakhiNazarNirwaSuper

Yea, not gonna get inside the car. Clearly something has made it it’s home.

Last time I almost set the car on fire.

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