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Jan 20, 2022, 8 tweets

After being nailed at FATF; Turkey and Pakistan have turned to 'Lawfare - Propaganda through litigation'

In a crappy report, Turkish-backed UK-based law firm 'Stoke White' has accused @adgpi Chief & HM @AmitShah of War crime in Kashmir.

Lets probe & debunk the propaganda ⬇️

What is Stoke White? Who are behind it?

▪️ Stoke White is a UK-based legal firm
▪️ On its website, it lists the "best route to Turkish citizenship" & ways it "can connect to the right people to ensure that your investment abroad is a safe one."
▪️ It also has an office in Turkey

Who heads the firm 'Stoke White' ?

▪️ Hakan Camuz is the chief of the firm.
▪️ Camuz has in the past served as head of Turkey's Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MÜSİAD). (Credits - @WIONews )

Have they filed similar reports in the past?

▪️In 2019, the firm has filed similar cases against UAE officials for war crimes in Yemen invoking similar "universal jurisdiction" rule.
▪️ Turkey-UAE ties, much like Turkey's ties with India, have deteriorated in last few years.

What is Pak's agenda?

▪️ Pakistani legal commentator Ahmer Bilal Soofi had suggested that Pakistan government should induct a strong lawfare as an instrument of foreign policy.
▪️ He argued that adopting lawfare move in their policy to have win-win agenda in comity of nation.

How are they (Pak) using it?

▪️ Pakistan intends to use these reports to defame India.
▪️ Hours after the publication of report, agencies in Pakistan trended #ArrestIndianArmyChief on social media

What is the credibility of report?

▪️ The police application was made on behalf of the family of Zia Mustafa, a “district commander” of LeT.
▪️ Involved in the killing of 24 Kashmiri Pandits, he was arrested in 2003

What should we do?

▪️We need to nip such propaganda in its bud.
▪️Government must make sure such false narratives gets debunked at the start.

We need to remain vigilant.

Please share. Jai Hind 🇮🇳

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