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Jan 20, 2022, 5 tweets

A 57-year-old Tongan said he swam around 27 hours after getting swept out to sea during Saturday’s devastating tsunami. The eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano killed at least three people 1/5

The volcanic eruption sent waves rolling across the archipelago, damaging villages, resorts and many buildings and knocked out communications for the nation of about 105,000 people 2/5

Lisala Folau, who lived on the small, isolated island of Atata which has a population of about 60 people, was swept out to sea when the waves hit land at about 7 p.m. on Saturday, he said in a radio interview to Tongan media agency Broadcom Broadcasting 3/5

Folau said he was painting his home when he was alerted about the tsunami, soon the waves had gone through his lounge.

He climbed on a tree to escape but when he got down another big wave swept him away, he said. The 57-year-old said he is disabled and cannot walk properly 4/5

'I just floated, bashed around by the big waves that kept coming,' he told the radio station.

Folau said he slowly managed to swim 7.5 km (4.7 miles) to the main island of Tongatapu, reaching the shore 27 hours later at about 10 p.m. on Sunday 5/5

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