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Jan 20, 2022, 22 tweets

Person responsible for today’s #LahoreBlast Abdul Nabi Bangulzai was arrested in 2000 for murder of Baloch judge of Balochistan HC Justice Mir Nawaz Khan Marri in Quetta.

But he was released in a “reconciliation gesture” towards “naraz baloch”

This is a fight we must fight!


As per OSINT sources:
with Indian intel patronage Brahamdagh Bugti has recently sold his terror outfit BRA faction of BLA in a multimillion dollar deal to his brother inlaw Mehran Marri with all assets: weapons, funds, safe houses, fighters/commanders.


Mehran aka Zamuran Marri is the head of UBA faction of BLA who runs his own terrorist outfit with help of notorious henchman on-ground commander Abdul Nabi Syedzai Bangulzai.

Having bought BRA, now Mehran Marri owns assets of both UBA & BRA under the new BNA faction of BLA.


Abdul Nabi Syedzai was a low level BLA hitman working for Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri also brought back from Afghanistan in a “reconciliation gesture” after Soviet exit.

Link to story in 2008 when this blood thirsty criminal was released by PPP govt.


Nawab Khair Baksh Marri made his most criminal minded son Balach Marri head of BLA in his lifetime incharge of all assets of BLA: weapons/funds/fighters/commanders incl Abdul Nabi Bangulzai.

When Balach Marri got killed in Afghanistan, differences developed b/w his brothers


Harbiyar Marri & Mehran Marri who both tried to take over BLA & it’s terrorism resources.
Nawab KB Marri suspected Harbiyar in murder of his older bro Balach & leaned towards Mehran taking over BLA.

But most BLA commanders were bribed by Harbiyar in his take over of BLA.


Only Abdul Nabi Syedzai Bangulzai threw in his lot with Mehran aka Zamuran Marri who established a new outfit called United Baloch Army-UBA faction of BLA under patronage of Nawab Khair Baksh Marri based out of Karachi home of his son-inlaw Javed Mengal bro of Akhtar Mengal.


Javed Mengal ran his own faction of BLA called the Lashkare Balochistan-LEB or Baloch Republican Guards-BRG

After Nawab Akbar Bugti’s death which Brahamdagh blamed on Balach Mari, he fell out with Balach & formed his own faction of BLA called Balochistan Republican Army-BRA.


It’s important to understand why each of them formed own faction of BLA:
It’s because each BLA faction is run like a company in the same business conglomerate with its own terrorism resources of weapons/camps/fighters/commanders all vying for funding from Indian intelligence.


Every attack generates a payment:
An LEA casualty earns:$10k
An LEA vehicle IED attack earns: $100k
A planted civilian bomb attack as today’s #LahoreBlast earns:$500k
A high value terrorist attack as Chinese Consulate attack, Gwadar Hotel attack, KSE attack earns: $1million


Hence, terrorism in Balochistan is run as business enterprises by each of these powerful feudals who’ve been playing with lives of innocent Baloch people to get rich.

That’s why in tribal Baloch society these crime bosses have become highly resented.


Reason for Brahamdagh Bugti’s selling of terror outfit & financial inflows that come from it is with US exit from Afghanistan, all factions of BLA have lost Kabul’s protection & thereby Indian protection, continued Indian refusal to give him asylum & his own brain surgery.


This way Brahamdagh hopes to escape responsibility for terrorism in Balochistan to lay groundwork for effort to plead with Pakistani authorities to allow his return to Pakistan to take back the seat of Nawab of Bugti tribe.

Hence his condemnation of today’s #LahoreBlast:


However, now with Abdul Nabi Bangulai actively taking over both BRA+UBA to form BNA faction of BLA working in coordination with Allah Nazar’s BLF faction of BLA makes this outfit a dangerous & lethal terror outfit.

More so because he’s the key link for BLA with TTP & ISKP.


Abdul Nabi Syedzai Bangulzai is known as “Bara Mir (Big Boss)” while his cousin Abdul Nabi Baduzai Bangulzai was known as “Chota Mir (little Boss)”.

Chota Mir was cousin of Farooq Bagulzai ISKP Amir for Balochistan & Ejaz Bangulzai ISKP commander for north Balochistan.


All three the Chota Mir, Ejaz Bangulzai & Farooq Bangulzai have been killed in Afghanistan & Iran after Afghan Taliban take of Kabul last August, but BNA’s Abdul Nabi Bangulzai is still alive as remain all his operational contacts & terror networking with


When Baloch hero Nawabzada Siraj Khan Raisani raised a great baloch lashkar from the tribes of northern Balochistan on account of his position as brother of Nawab of Nawabs the Nawab of Sarawan to deny the movement of BLA operatives in Sarawan, it was Abdul Nabi Bangulzai..


..who used his links to Farooq Bangulzai the ex Lashkare Jhangvi terrorist & then ISKP amir for Balochistan to order a suicide attack targeting Siraj Raisani Shaheed, planned & executed by Ejaz Bangulzai, even claimed by ISIS.

It was done for benefit of UBA faction of BLA.


As head of UBA faction of BLA & boss of Abdul Nabi Bangulzai Mehran Marri aka Zamuran Marri despite being a British citizen was denied entry by Swiss Federal Police & banned for life

As current head of newly formed BNA responsibility for today’s #Lahoreblast rests with him.


Standford University maintains a Global Terrorism Database of terrorist groups across the world.

Check link below to view the gruesome acts of terrorism committed by UBA faction of BLA in Pakistan over the years:…


As per US state department spokesperson in 2019 BLA is an internationally declared Specially Designated Global Terrorist SDGT organization

Currently active factions of BLA are:



Today’s #Lahoreblast is not the only time that civilians were targeted by UBA faction of BLA.

To read more on previously horrible & vicious terrorist attacks targeting civilians by UBA faction of BLA, here a more detailed thread:


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