The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Jan 21, 2022, 9 tweets

President Trump says it’s a very sad time for our country. Putting politics aside he wants Joe Biden to do well.

President Trump says there’s going to be big problems with Taiwan after the Olympics. You just watch and see.

President Trump said he couldn’t believe Joe Biden said “minor incursion“. That was like giving Putin the greenlight.

President Trump says the radical left in the Democrat party would never allow them to Close the border.

President Trump says when you watch the press conference that wasn’t a normal situation going on up there. It was mostly a bunch of softball questions. Country starting to look like a bunch of fools.

President Trump says he authorized the National Guard to go to the capital for January 6 but Nancy Pelosi turned it down. If she wouldn’t have turned it down January 6 wouldn’t of happened like it did.

President Trump says there would’ve been no Jan 6 if Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t have rejected the national guard. #KashPatel remembers Trump wanting to put 10,000 to 20,000 guards at the capital but Nancy rejected it. If they would’ve been there it would’ve been another lovely day.

Don’t forget to help out your citizen journalist. I am losing Patreon and subscribe Star members faster than I’m losing Twitter followers. I hope people will join together and help support me during this.

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