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Jan 21, 2022, 5 tweets

NYT: Eastern Europe is engaging in “censorship,” which apparently is defined by having a media biased in the wrong direction that is too sympathetic to Djokovic. There’s no common language with which to speak to these people about “democracy”…

“Serbia and Hungary — countries in the vanguard of what V-Dem Institute, a Swedish research group, described last year as a ‘ global wave of autocratization’ — both hold general elections in April, votes that will test whether media control works.” Democracy hangs in the balance!

Here’s another sign of no democracy: media companies that pay too much for the rights to broadcast soccer.

I hate soccer, my measure of democracy is how much a country rejects it.

Only true “democratic” press in Serbia is affiliated with CNN. If that CNN affiliate wasn’t there, the country would be North Korea.

I’m not making this up.

“Space for critical media has been shrinking across the region, with V-Dem Institute, the Swedish research group, now ranking Serbia, Poland and Hungary among its ‘top 10 autocratizing countries,’”

They’re making non-democracy listicles.

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