Public school officials in Page County, Virginia say they’ve increased security at school today, & will on Monday, after Amelia King told the school board, last night, “no mask mandate” then threatened: “I will bring every single gun loaded & ready to…I’ll see y’all on Monday.”
The school district released a statement this morning saying that the Luray, Virginia police chief is investigating…”
King started her remarks saying: “I typically come to these meetings with a written statement. I like to sound educated, & when I go off the cuff I get really passionate.
I’m not always able to say exactly what I want to say in the appropriate way…” Watch:
JUST IN: The Luray Virginia police chief released a statement saying that the parent that made the statement realized that it caused alarm and “immediately contacted law enforcement to apologize because the statement was not intended the way it was perceived…”
One last bit to add: I was able to reach the Luray, Virginia police chief C.S. ‘Bow’ Cook, by phone. He told me that he was in the process of posting a statement to the departments Facebook page. I asked him if an arrest had been made and he said no.
I asked him if he anticipated that an arrest would be made and he said: I don’t think that’ll be necessary and you’ll understand once you see the statement.
He was clearly alluding to the alleged apology as being the reason he thinks an arrest isn’t necessary.
Think about this for a minute: if a child, a student, at school or outside of school would have said what this adult said - what would’ve happened to that child?
Her last words before walking out of the meeting were: “I’ll see y’all on Monday.”
This photo of Amelia King is posted on the Facebook page of Emry King.
UPDATE: Amelia King now says: “I in no way meant to imply 'all guns loaded' as in actual firearms, but rather all resources I can muster to make sure that my children get to attend school without masks. My sincere apologies for my poor choice in words…”…
Amelia King now says: “…I'm absolutely mortified. I would never do such a thing. I was only speaking figuratively ...”…
Amelia King now says: “…Nonetheless, I'm beside myself…
I never meant to imply I would show up with actual firearms. I'm not a dangerous person and I'm not a threat, and I'm so very sorry for the way it came across…”…
BREAKING: Amelia King has been charged with “oral threat while on school property.”
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