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Final Year CS @IITGuwahati | Indic winger A man of knowledge is empowered with conviction

Jan 22, 2022, 7 tweets

Unlike lies spread by Left ecosystem, the original copy of the Indian constitution had profound allegiance to Dharmic civilization. A thread.

#OurTrueHistory @ShefVaidya
In Fundamental rights, a beautiful illustration of Ram, Sita & Lakshman is found. Bharat is land of Rama.

In the beginning of the section of Directive State policy, there is the iconic picture from Gita of dejected Arjuna listening to Krishna about what Dharma is.

To sum, Indian state AS PER CONSTITUTION derives its inspiration of governance from principles of Dharma.

In Part XII i.e. Finance, Property & Contracts; the image of Lord Shiva as divine cosmic dancer Nataraja and sacred symbol Swastika is found.

Hindu philosophy on attainment and management of finance was widely accepted in Constitutional debates.

In purview of Dharmics like Buddhism, Sikhism & Jainism which are descendants of Hindu Dharma, the Constitution sought inspiration from Lord Buddha with regards to Union and Lord Mahavira with regards to power resting with State. A potrait of Guru Gobind Singh is also found.

Hindu schooling system aka Vedic Gurukulas find a significant scene at top of the chapter on Citizenship.

This should be seen as a ridicule to modern anglicized Hindus who've adopted the British education system without the foundations of their Vedic philosophies.

The only potraits of Islamic rulers are that of Akbar and Tipu (even they were cruel)
Despite > 400 years of Islamic rule, makers could choose only two rulers is good reason enough that they were clear that barbaric Islamic history cannot be a part of Indic civilisation!

^Akbar's mention

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