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Jan 22, 2022, 8 tweets

CSS properties to improve your responsive design of web page💡💪


1⃣ Use Em / Rem

— Always try using em/percentage/rem instead of px, so that the text, images size adjust regarding the device-width

2⃣ Padding/Margin

— we usually use a lot of padding when we make websites for desktops, to make them more attractive.

— While making it responsive for mobiles, tablets try decreasing the existing padding and margin.

3⃣ Flex-Box

— using flexbox to align your HTML elements, such as <div> <p> provides the force elements that can wrap onto multiple lines according to their width.

4⃣ Media Query

— Media query should be used to set width and height according to the breakpoints. Breakpoints refer to the width at which the websites look distorted.

5⃣ Box-Sizing

— It resolves a lot of problems padding causes. Using box-sizing on HTML elements with a percentage width will take padding into account rather than having to adjust the width because of padding

{ box-sizing : border-box ; }

6⃣ Grid-Layout

— Reduced code bloat. Rather than creating extra HTML elements to contain your grid, columns and rows, your grid tracks are created within your style sheet.

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