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#지민: “Know that the pain will pass. And when it does, you'll be stronger” ♡ ☔Still with you enthusiast☔

Jan 22, 2022, 42 tweets

Yoongi's fond smile — A heartwarming thread

His smile when he saw Namjoon and hobi excited over grating cheese, he's so cute 😭

the way yoongi just lets jimin do whatever he wants to, look at his smile :(

yoongi being endeared by the members

not lying I'm really crying 😞

Compilation of yoongi being endeared when jimin speaks english

Yoongi is so fond of jimin :(

yoongi's smile when jin was doing super tuna step 🥺🥺

I'm so soft :((

yoongi’s fond smile for seokjin 🥺🥺

yoongi’s smile :((

yoongi's fond smile for jungkook 🥺

Yoongi’s fond smile while watching Jin’s popping popping popping


namjoon and yoongi's fond smile when jin was showing his rapping skills

I love his soft smile :(

Yoongi's fond smile while pointing at jimin

I'm clearly not okay 😭

yoongi looking at jimin with a smile on his face when jimin was rapping his part

look at yoongi's fond smile at namjoon 🥺

he's so cute :((

Ending the thread with this edit bcz it's too cute :(

You can follow me, I make threads 😙 twitter.com/i/events/14373…


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