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Mom. Cynophilist. Sanatani. Worship the Lord like Nandi. RTs etc not an endorsement. 🙏 #HarHarMahadevॐ

Jan 22, 2022, 12 tweets

They were assigned to be present thru the 4 Great Ages,to guide the human race.These 7 sages worked closely with the Adi Yogi or Shiva to maintain the balance on Earth.They were the mind born sons of Lord Brahma assigned to serve as representative of Brahma himself.

Saptarishis are also known as Brahmarishis bcs they have now gained all knowledge abt Brahman.

Rishi Vishwamitra:
He was the only sage who was appointed as one of the Saptarishi by Brahma on the basis of his merit alone as one cannot become a Brahmarishi just on basis of merit.

Vishwamitra sat in meditation and performed austerities for tens of thousands of years. Credited as the author of most of the Mandala 3 of Rigveda, he also wrote Gayatri Mantra. Born as a Chandravanshi Prince, son of King Kusha, Rishi Vishwamitra was a valiant warrior.

However, he did penance & was awarded the place amongst the Saptarishi as a result of his deep devotion to the Universe.

Rishi Vashishtha:
Revered Vedic sage in Hinduism,he's credited as the chief author of the 7th Mandala of Rigveda and his family also finds mention in Rigveda.

His ideas were very influential and he was called the first Sage of the Vedanta School of Philosophy coined by Adi Shankaracharya.

Rishi Atri:
He was a Vedic sage, who is credited with composing a large number of hymns dedicated to Agni, Indra and other deities in Hinduism.

An entire mandala, the 5th mandala of Rigveda is called Atri Mandala in his honour. 87 hymns are purely dedicated to him and his dependents.

Gautama Maharishi:
One of the Maharishis of the Vedic System, he is credited with the discoveries of Mantras.

The Rigveda has several Suktas that go with his name. Gautama Maharishi is credited with authoring many hymns in the Mandala. He was the progenitor of the Gautama gotra.

Jamadagni :
Father of Parashurama, the 6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Jamadagni is the Saptarishi of the current Manavatra - Vaivastava.The descendant of Rishi Bhrigu, one of the Prajapatis created by Brahma; the God of Creation. He was well versed in the art of weaponry & scriptures without any formal education.He was an incarnation of Lord Shiva.

Rishi Bharadwaj:
Bharadwaj Barhaspatya is one of the revered Vedic sages in Hinduism. His last name refers to his father, Sage Brihaspati. Bharadwaj is mentioned around four times in Rigveda and Shatpatha Brahamana as well.He is very respected sage in the Puranas and Mahabharata.

Rishi Kashyap:
Rishi Kashyap is the most ancient rishi listed in the colophon verse in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and is credited as the self-made scholar of the Atharvaveda. He was based in the North-Western parts of the Indian subcontinent.

As per legends, the name of Kashmir is attributed to him.
The Saptarishis are the 7 immortal human forms that will live thru the numerous Manavataras that the Great Ages of this Earth Cycle will see.Being the most enlightened, they are considered to be greater than even Devas.

Their knowledge has been passed on through generations and all Vedic and post-Vedic scriptures can be attributed to them. These seven great sages are supposed to uplift the human kind to their best of capabilities and enlighten the planet in its entirety.🙏

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