Aaron Maté Profile picture
Journalist w/ @TheGrayzoneNews / Writing: https://t.co/y3NxUhLQQm / Co-host: @UsefulIdiotpod. Email: aaronmate@protonmail.com

Jan 22, 2022, 7 tweets

Sounds like Britain has taken what the US actually did to Ukraine in 2014, and rebooted it for Russia. Here's Obama-Biden official Victoria Nuland & then-US Amb. Geoffrey Pyatt privately deciding to install Arseniy Yatsenyuk ("Yats is the guy") as Ukraine's next Prime Minister:

Slipped in to almost every article about the latest nefarious Russian plot alleged by Western governments is a quiet, inconvenient admission: there's no evidence to show us.

Oh but don't worry: anonymous US officials "said they believe the British intelligence is correct." Case closed then. What matters is what our officials "believe", not what actual evidence they have actually collected, and can show us.

On this front, the NYT now claims that British intelligence "played a major role in exposing Russian interference in the 2016 elections."

How did Britain "expose" Russian interference? Are they talking about the Steele dossier?

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