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Jan 23, 2022, 10 tweets

#OurTrueHistory @ShefVaidya Unsung Heroes of Indian freedom - 2

Remember them now and forever!

1)Bakshi Jagabandhu - Paika rebellion in 1817

2)Velu Nachiyar (1730-1796) - First Indian queen to wage war with the East India Company

3)Kuyili -1795 - army commander of queen Velu Nachiyar, first suicide bomber and "first women martyr"

4)Puli Thevar 1715-1767 - Polygars revolt against the British

5)Dheeran Chinnamalai 1756-1805 - Commander in the 2nd Polygar War

6)Abbakka Chowta 1525-1570 - Tuluva Queen of Ullal who fought the Portuguese

7)Veerapandiya Kattabomman 1760 -1799 - Led revolt against British rule

8)Kittur Chennamma 1778-1829 - Led revolt against British rule

9)Maniram Dutta Baruah - 1857 Uprising

10)Rani Gaidinliu 1915-1933 - Naga leader led revolts against British rule

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