Carole Cadwalladr Profile picture
Late adopter. Late giver-upper. Guardian & Observer writer.

Jan 23, 2022, 20 tweets

I have been through a trauma. And I need to speak publicly about it. About why this lawsuit sent me to such a dark place. And why the pursuit of individuals outside their news orgs is barbaric, cruel & a threat to all journalism

This is where it began. Nov 2017 with this video

This was 2 weeks after first Mueller indictment showed Trump-Russia investigation began in London & referenced Russian ambassador. And one day after Theresa May made a landmark speech about threat from Russia: ‘Russia, we see what you are doing’

This is how LeaveEU responded.

This is how I responded at time. I found it extraordinary LeaveEU was retweeting Russian Embassy’s attacks on MPs & journalists -
@BenPBradshaw @RhonddaBryant @hugorifkind & I all tagged in.

But it was only me - the sole woman - who was singled out for the punishment beating

In 2017, Banks claimed to take legal action against Atlantic Council for calling him a ‘pro-Russian actor’. His legal team used this to show he’d warned me. 2 problems: he didn’t take action against AC, he took it against report’s author. And he clearly is ‘a pro-Russian actor’

In June 2018, @peterjukes & I obtained cache of emails that revealed Banks had relationship with Russian ambassador. As I detail here, what shocked me most was the apparent coordination of social media messaging.

And I say he lied. Four times.…

But he’s not suing @guardian.

And he’s not suing @TEDTalks.

He’s suing me.

For these 23 words. Broadcast on @TEDTalks platform. After being published in @guardian.

It’s only me. Who’s been singled out. For the punishment beating.

This lawsuit & carrying burden of it without the support of a news org for last 2.5 years has taken me to the very edge of my ability to cope.

I’ve maintained the appearance of coping for the last year. But I haven’t. It has taken every last drop of my energy to not fall apart

I very nearly did fall apart. And I still may. Because this is intention of this suit & sustained misogynist online harassment my reporting has unleashed. And who is at centre of this according to UNESCO report?

The first person to ever call me a ‘crazy cat lady’? Mr Arron Banks

I can’t adequately describe effect of this targeting over 5 years. The attempt to shame me - both as a journalist & as a woman - at very heart it.

It’s why I was so profoundly grateful to @julieposetti for including analysis of this alongside @mariaressa in UNESCO report

My experience pales in face of what @mariaressa has been through. She’s a personal hero to me. I really don’t know how she’s remained so extraordinarily resilient. But there’s 1 clear parallel: her lawsuits create opportunities for more online abuse. And that abuse is coordinated

Last Nov, after ‘meaning hearing’, I was subjected to deluge of articles each of which triggered a massive online attack. It was overwhelming. I was overwhelmed. For last year, I’ve known that this same beating will accompany verdict. I have lived in dread & fear for entire year

If I lose this thread will form part of next wave of attacks against me. That I played ‘the victim card’. I will be shamed for it. It will be added to the bill. But I’m sick of being silenced. I’m sick of the silence across the media on this. I’m sick, sick, sick of the bullying.

Please do not let this happen to another journalist. It’s been too much. I have not coped.

A SLAPP suit is meant to isolate & discredit the individual. To separate journalist from news org. And it did. Which is why I’m so grateful to @ObserverUK colleagues who came regardless

And it’s one of the reasons @allthecitizens exists. I simply didn’t have any organisational support, so I ended up having to create my own. They have been sweethearts who have helped me through this nightmare 💕

I want to talk about the punishment beating I received in court, but leaving here for now. With the amazing @jesssearch. Founder of @TheDocSociety, chair of @IPPR & of @allthecitizens.

I’ve learned so much from @jesssearch this week on how to support & advocate for others.

I didn’t ask anyone to come to court. Why would I want anyone to watch me being discredited & humiliated.But @jesssearch organised this without telling me & without asking permission. And told me I couldn’t be shamed unless I consented. Huge 💕 & 🙏 to everyone who got me through

Final point. You won’t know who @jesssearch is but she got these 2 remarkable @guardian films about @chrisinsilico & @shahmiruk made.

Then, in huge act of kindness, took @shahmiruk into her own home after he was outed & traumatised. For entire year. Hero.

In the spirit of fuck it, I’m adding the great @dorotheabyrne to this thread. So many powerful women turned out for me, none more powerful than my friend Dorothy. Ex-head of news @Channel4 & legendary kicker of arses. I dream of her strength 💕

News organisations have to change. Read @page88’s experience of how she & @TaylorLorenz were targeted with ‘violent, defamatory, speech-chilling, & career-ruining campaigns’. And how the failure of news org to recognise what was happening added to the abuse

I also want to thank @liambyrnemp & @DavidDavisMP for hugely important parliamentary debate on lawfare last week. We desperately need anti-SLAPP laws added to the statute. And recognise that it’s not just about chilling speech. The law is being used by abusers to abuse further

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