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Jan 23, 2022, 7 tweets

This week, we gathered stories about women continuously seeking safety for themselves and their communities, as well as breaking free from patriarchal roles.

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1. United kingdom

The British government is trying to tackle digital abuse with the passing of its landmark Online Safety Bill.

2. Pakistan

Women only markets? While women in rural Pakistan have always reared animals, taking care of nutrition, milking and vaccinations and keeping their barns and sheds clean, taking the animals to market for sale is considered a man’s job.

3. Brazil

A recent study looking at how small fishing communities in Brazil have coped with the pandemic found that female leaders often took on vital roles in ensuring their communities’ subsistence, and in helping to prevent contagion.

4. Sierra Leone

The death of a young woman in Sierra Leone almost immediately after undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM) has revived calls to end the practice.

5. Nepal

People in Nepal stage protests against the imposition of luxury tax on menstrual products, tampons. Previously, the Nepal government had committed to making efforts to bring the price of menstrual pads and tampons down.…

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