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Jan 23, 2022, 17 tweets

Thread: “Defeat the Mandate” rally in Washington, DC

Thousands are marching in Washington, DC in protest against vaccine mandates.

“We the people will not comply” demonstrators chant in a march against vaccine mandates.

They head towards the Lincoln memorial in Washington, D.C.

Some demonstrators are using holocaust imagery, including Star of David armbands, to liken vaccine mandates to the way Jews were treated in Nazi Germany.

A group of doctors are wearing Star of David armbands to liken vaccine mandates to the way Jews were treated by Nazis.

The armband reads “mandated outcast”

A group of doctors are taking turns speaking, some talking points:

-they feel media has censored them

-they say medical journals won’t publish their findings.

-they say their social media pages and Wikipedia entries are frequently removed.

Flags seen:

-American flags

-“Don’t tread on me” Gadsden flag

-“Let’s go Brandon”

Doctors Madhava and Awadhesh Gupta say they practice medicine in New York and are against a mandate.

“We’re not anti-vaxxers, not necessarily, we think everyone should have the freedom to choose whether they want to get the vaccine, so-called vaccine, or not” says Madhava

Jesse Lombard drove down from Boston with his daughter to attend the rally “I heard about it on Joe Rogan’s podcast”

A handful of proud boys are among the demonstrators

A lot of the speakers are articulating conspiracy theories, it’s the kind of stuff you’d see in the “hidden replies” tweets

Anti-Vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr speaks to the crowd.

Last year his instagram was removed for “repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,”

An Aaron Rodgers fan at the anti-mandate march in D.C.

There is a significant amount of holocaust imagery at this “defeat the mandate” march in D.C.

Some demonstrators liken vaccine mandates to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany.

The Anti-Defamation League has called out anti-vaxx groups before for trivializing the holocaust

This rally is billed as against vaccine mandates, but there is a general anti-vaxx sentiment as well.

The crowd is diverse and about half are women.

The speakers reflect the cross section here: Rizza Islam, a member of the Nation of Islam, is followed by Rabbi Zev Epstein

“I can’t believe how many of us there are” said one demonstrator taking pictures of the crowd

I am out of the rally.

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