Philobster | L.J. Profile picture

Jan 23, 2022, 6 tweets

My #TheoryOfEverything:
Alchemy describes the elements of metaphysics.
Chemistry describes the elements of physics.
The Philosopher's Stone is a rational formula for the philosophical archetypes of existence.(1/6)
PDF English:

Philosophy, Archetypes, Geometry, Evolution, Religion
Examples of use: #PhilosophersStone
1. Structures & Orders | Elements, Temperature, States of matter
2. Mathematics of the Philosopher's Stone
3. Emotional evaluations | Handling of information
4. Evolutionary inheritance(2/6)

5. Time | Predictability of static, organic & chaotic realities | Elementary forces of physics
6. Categorizing & Differentiating | Laminar/turbulent flow (static/chaotic structure)
7. Active/passive behaviour | Psychological states of mind
8. Morality & legal understanding (3/6)

9. Economics | Gun laws
10. Esoteric & exoteric science | Political worldviews, the Conflict of Visions & the archetypal faces of mind.
11. The Philosopher's Stone as the metaphysical Theory of Everything #ToE
12. Four planes from a mental base to a manifested order. (4/6)

13. Duality happens as above so below. Between state & people, left & right wing, and even the minds of the individuals.
14. Cube of Mind, Spectrum
15. Unconscious & subconscious orders & ideologies
16. Archetypal Spectrum of Mind | Dualitiy of the left & right hand path (5/6)

17. Eternal Cycle of subconscious life, Fermi paradox #TheGreatFilter, left/right hand path and its evolutionary consequences.
18. Left/right hand path, the eternal cycle and connection to religious beliefs. (6/6) #Alchemy #PhilosophersStone #Metaphysics #TheoryOfAll

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