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Jan 24, 2022, 14 tweets

.@peterschweizer is out with a crucially important new book Red Handed. How the American elites got rich helping China win.

.@peterschweizer says @BillGates doesn’t need the money he gets from China so why is he helping them win against America. He thinks it’s an attraction to China getting things done efficiently because they have a brutal dictator imposing their will on the people.

.@peterschweizer says Mark Zuckerberg literally ask the president of China to name his baby at Barack Obama’s party.

.@peterschweizer says Facebook linked up with Google and wanted to lay a huge data cable to link Hong Kong to San Francisco. The only reason it didn’t get finished was because the FBI stepped in and stopped them.

.@peterschweizer says they told us if we work with China our values would rub off on them. The exact opposite has happened.

.@peterschweizer says they spent a year investigating Red Handed. One of the most startling discoveries is the Biden family well he was VP received $31 million from Chinese individuals that are linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.

.@peterschweizer says The Bidens received $31 million from China and performed no legitimate services for the money.

.@peterschweizer says money that Hunter Biden collected overseas directly benefited Joe Biden and other family members.

.@peterschweizer explains @SpeakerPelosi links to China and how she’s became more friendly to China over the years.

.@peterschweizer explains Democrats and Republicans are taking money from China.

.@peterschweizer explains the Chinese ties with the Bush family.

But wait!! There’s more Chinese ties with @JebBush.

.@peterschweizer explains how colleges and universities are on China’s payroll.

.@peterschweizer says China is calling the tune whether it’s in Silicon Valley, Wall Street, media, or Washington DC.

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