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Jan 24, 2022, 7 tweets

#OurTrueHistory @ShefVaidya Unsung heroes of Indian freedom - 3

Remember them now and forever!

1)Velu Thampi Dalawa (1765–1809) Minister of the kingdom of Travancore .One of the earliest individuals to rebel against the British East India Company's supremacy in India

2)Pazhassi Raja (1753 –1805) He was a warrior prince and de facto head of the kingdom of Kottayam, known for Cotiote War against British. He is popularly known as Kerala Simham (Lion of Kerala),also fought
troops of Tipu Sultan.

3)Thalakkal Chanthu (1802) -archer and commander-in-chief of the Kurichya soldiers of the Pazhassi Raja who fought British forces in the Wayanad jungles during first decade of the 19th century

4)Edachena Kunkan (1770s) Wayanad Nair noble from Tirunelli, Wayanad, who joined the war effort of Pazhassi Raja during the 1770s and became commander of the Raja's army, famous for Capture of Panamaram Fort against British.

5)Yashwantrao Holkar (1776-1811)Napolean of India, considered the biggest threat to the British empire. Initiated the process of unifying Indian kings against the British .

5)Pusapati Vijayarama Gajapati Raju II (1760–1794) Died in the battle of Padmanabham led by him against East India Company Madras Presidency

6)Kaneganti Hanumanthu 1870 shot dead at an young age of 30yrs, rebelled against British Rule and spearheaded the Palnadu Rebellion against tax

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