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Jan 24, 2022, 15 tweets

AZ AUDIT: @weareoversight has about 764 pages of documents, emails and texts. It looks to be mostly work proposals and draft contracts with Cyber Ninjas. But there is also discussions about how Jovan Pulitzer was ‘incapable of discrete’.👀. Oh, and there are false electors 🧵👇🏻

Here is the link that will help you navigate to the full set of documents. Some highlights are pulled out in the thread below.…

Remember, this is a tranche of documents relative to the Audit occurring in Arizona. Here, a ‘Jake’ wants to ‘back channel info’ to Sean Hannity. That seems on the up and up.

Here is ‘Jake’ wanting to push info to Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk and Tucker Carlson. Totally cool non partial audit you got going on Arizona.

Here is ‘Jake’ wanting to make sure they ‘control the narrative or lose’. Huh? Pushing information out of an impartial audit to a network full of propagandists to ‘control the narrative’ is like audit 101, amirite?

Here is ‘Mike’ who is vetting a reporter to determine if they are ‘friendly’. Don’t take this to mean would they help you move because they have a pick-up truck, this is whether or not the reporter is sympathetic to the cause of a fraud audit.

I mean, it’s Arizona after all, so why wouldn’t Paul Gosar want to check in to see if there was anything he could do to help fraudit efforts?

Here’s the part about Karen Fann texting Phil Waldron about Jovan Pulitzer and how his youtubing was making it difficult to pick an independent unbiased firm to do the fraudit. Yes, that Phil Waldron.

The part where Phil Waldron basically tells the State of Arizona, look if you want, you don’t have to say it’s Allied (ASOG) that’s really doing the work…you can call us something different but the people will be the same.

Nice to see Phil Waldron speaking with Professor Eastman. Yep. Professor John Eastman, from the Eastman Memo to over turn the election fame.

Well, because Jovan is incapable of discrete, it looks like Arizona decided that ‘Allied’ and ‘Jovan’ were out so they went with Cyber Ninjas instead which I suppose is still Phil and the gang sans Pulitzer.

Awww, isn’t it nice that Phil Waldron decided to step in when the media started sniffing around? Nothing like a distraction. Works every time.

Oh look, text messages showing 3 false electors looking to gain access to the fraudit. Hoffman from AZ, McDonald and Law from NV. That’s 4 of the 27 false electors / kraken plaintiffs mentioned in relation the AZ audit.

And yes, I am shameless when it comes to the preservation of democracy. In my best John Oliver from @LastWeekTonight voice…
And Now This👇🏻

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