🍉Shailja STOP GENOCIDE Patel🍉 Profile picture
Queer. Author of Migritude from @KayaPress. Retweet, don't copypaste. She/her. DMs open. @guardianopinion @AJEnglish @BBCWorld @paythewriter

Jan 24, 2022, 7 tweets

The Five Stages of Victim-Blaming. Modelled by Salil Tripathi in my DMs, responding to students of late Kathak guru Briju Maharaj going public on his sexual violence.

Stage 1: Deny

Stage 2: Disbelieve

Stage 3: Discredit

Stage 4: Double down
Stage 5: Displace emotions you can't bear to feel towards the perpetrator (anger, disgust) onto his victims

Bonus stage: Try to repair your self-image as one of the good guys with friend request to the woman who's just unfriended you

A thread of victims and witnesses sharing their accounts of sexual harassment, assault, and rape by #BirjuMaharaj. Thank you, @JhaarJhankaar, for undertaking the painful labour of compiling this. All the trigger warnings.

A very important thread by @NWM_India on the growing trend of powerful men using the courts to gag both women who accuse them of sexual violence and media that report the allegations.

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