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Jan 24, 2022, 7 tweets

#OurTrueHistory @ShefVaidya

Hindu Art

Nagara architecture, the shikhara takes the shape of a curvilinear beehive. The temple is a square with a number of graduated projections in the middle of each side, giving a cruciform shape

Chola architecture

In Chola architecture, the tower or Gopuram consists of progressive smaller stories of pavilions. These temples were square in plan and pyramidal in shape; included porches (mandapams) and pillard halls (chaultris or chawadis)

Gupta architecture

Temples which evolved from the earlier tradition of rock-cut shrines.Adorned with towers and elaborate carvings, Gupta architecture is very diverse in style, design and features.

Pallava architecture

The first stone and mortar temples of South India were constructed during Pallava rule and were based on earlier brick and timber prototypes. Pallava sculptors later graduated to free-standing structural shrines which inspired Chola dynasty's temples.

Vijayanagara architecture

Vijayanagara architecture is a vibrant combination of the Chalukya, Hoysala, Pandya, and Chola styles , which evolved from prior empires in earlier centuries. It is also influenced by later Deccan and Dravidian styles.

Chalukya architecture

The Chalukyan architects retained features from both northern and southern styles. They inclined towards the northern style and tended to build one main shrine with four minor shrines, making the structure a panchayatna or five-shrined complex

Hoysala Architecture

Temple architecture is designed to move the devotee from outside to the garbhagriha through ambulatory passageways for circumambulation and halls or chambers (mantapas) that become increasingly sacred as the deity is approached.

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