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I write Popular Information, an independent newsletter dedicated to accountability journalism. | judd@popular.info | Signal/Text: 202-599-7124 | DMs open

Jan 24, 2022, 9 tweets

1. In May, Texas Republicans enacted a draconian abortion ban and a system of vigilante justice to enforce it.

In response, numerous large corporations wrote these Texas Republicans substantial checks.

Follow along if interested.


2. @ATT CEO John Stankey said one of the company's "core values" is "gender equity and the empowerment of women."

On 11/20/21, @ATT donated 50K from its corporate treasury to the Texas Senate Republicans who unanimously approved the abortion ban


@ATT 3. On 12/14/21, @ATT's corporate PAC donated 30K to @DadePhelan, the Texas House Speaker who marshaled the abortion ban through the House.


@ATT @DadePhelan 4. @ATT told popular.info that it "has never taken a position on abortion" and "did not endorse nor support passage of Senate Bill 8."

The 50K check to the Texas Senate Republicans, @ATT insists, "may not be used for political purposes."


@ATT @DadePhelan 5. @pepsi publicly touts its commitment to "empowering women in the workplace, marketplace and community."

On 8/5/21, @pepsi donated 15K to the @TexasGOP

Pepsi did not respond to a request for comment.


@ATT @DadePhelan @pepsi @TexasGOP 6. @Walmart touts its "efforts to advance women associates and empower women."

In December, @Walmart donated 5K to Texas House Speaker @DadePhelan and 5K to Lt. Gov @DanPatrick, who also serves as president of the Texas Senate.


7. If you are interested in this thread, you'll be very interested in my newsletter, Popular Information.

It's dedicated to accountability journalism.

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8. Other companies that made substantial donations to Texas Republicans after the passage of the state's abortion ban:



@zillow @Allstate @Ford @Exelon @KochIndustries @UPS @USAA @UnitedHealthGrp 9. One more thing: The head of @ATT's legislative strategy is @EdWGillespie, the former chair of the @RNC. When Gillespie ran for Governor of Virginia in 2017 he said he "would like to see abortion be banned.”


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