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Jan 24, 2022, 9 tweets

Burkina Faso's army said it had ousted President Roch Kabore, suspended the constitution, dissolved the government and the national assembly, and closed the borders

The announcement cited the deterioration of the security situation and what the army described as Kabore's inability to unite the West African nation and effectively respond to challenges, which include an Islamist insurgency

It also said the takeover was carried out without violence and that those detained were at a secure location

The statement was made in the name of a previously unheard-of entity, the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration, or MPSR, its French-language acronym

The MPSR said it would propose a calendar for a return to constitutional order 'within a reasonable time frame, after consultations with various sections of the nation'

The U.S. State Department called for Kabore's release, adding it was 'too soon' to officially characterize developments in the West African country, when asked if Washington was undertaking a coup assessment

Army putsches have toppled governments over the past 18 months in Mali and Guinea. The military also took over in Chad last year after President Idriss Deby died fighting rebels on the battlefield in the country's north

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres 'strongly condemns any attempted takeover of government by the force of arms' in Burkina Faso and calls on the coup leaders to lay down their weapons, a U.N. spokesman said after the army statement

The broadcast came after two days of confusion and fear in Ouagadougou, the capital, where shooting erupted at army camps on Sunday, with soldiers demanding more resources for their fight against Islamist militants

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