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Jan 24, 2022, 8 tweets

As we approach the third year of the pandemic, we’ve revamped our COVID-19 tracker to give even more information on cases, hospitalizations, and deaths across the world 🧵…

Omicron has changed a lot when it comes to COVID, pushing us into a new stage of the pandemic where the situation is changing rapidly.

So we’ve provided more detailed and interactive charts to show how COVID is affecting where you live.…

There’s a new chart showing the number of people in the hospital with COVID across the US by date, dominated by the massive rise caused by Omicron in early 2022.…

Our new searchable charts show trends in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from the past two weeks for each US state and territory.…

Due to Omicron, states across the US are seeing large spikes in COVID deaths. In the last two weeks, Tennessee has seen a 239% increase, Puerto Rico has seen a 225% increase, and Louisiana has seen a 170% increase in deaths.…

We’ve also added searchable charts for countries around the world, showing trends in cases and deaths over the past two weeks.…

Our charts and maps now have interactive tooltips to further explore the data 📊…

Take a look through our updated COVID tracker for the latest information on how the pandemic is affecting where you live.…

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