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writer of threads || baker of breads || @aiisdev

Jan 24, 2022, 24 tweets

Think the building + hype behind NFTs and web3 is slowing down? Think again.

Last week an ETH hackathon led by ETHGlobal broke all previous records

It showcased 255 projects built by more than 800 devs in 68 different countries

I’ll describe some of the best projects below! 🥐

1. Creativerse

Creativerse is a Minecraft server that is connected to the Ethereum network.

Users can purchase plots as NFTs, with block data of each plot stored in the NFT.

This means that anyone (even you!) can run a server, & no matter what, your build cannot be censored 👀

2. Duomint

Want to onboard a friend into web 3.0 without worrying about the gas costs?

Duomint makes this easy. Anyone who wants can cover the gas fees for a mint

It adds a DuoMint function that, when called, mints 2 NFTs, one to the msg.sender and one to another account(s)

3. 0xPhotos

0xPhotos is very cool. It’s a decentralized stock photography marketplace (like ShutterShock), which pays royalties to creators in real time.

Users can upload images (NFTs) with different licensing parameters, and get paid without the need for a middleman

4. Multi-Contract Battle Royale

The multi-contract battle royale dapp allows existing projects to compete in a verifiably random battle royale game through $LINK oracles.

It can be integrated with ERC-721’s, and include payouts or “pots” in the underlying ERC-20 tokens

5. Metaverse Ad DAO

The Metaverse Ad DAO, or MAD, allows LAND/NFT owners to delegate ownership of their land while retaining control of it.

This allows users to delegate land to the MAD DAO, who displays content on all land parcels to gain attraction.

6. veNFT

veNFT, is just what it’s name implies. It’s an extended contract of the popular “vested escrow” used by Curve finance.

It allows projects to incentivize long-term alignment with the holders of the token, who can lock their NFT and earn newly streamed tokens as a reward

7. Challengy

Earn yield in DeFi by being held accountable for your work. Sounds great, right?

Challengy allows projects to create NFT badges, verifying commitment on certain challenges in a “proof of work” NFT.

Turn your NFTs into a measure of your time and effort(s)!

8. NFTCast

NFTCast allows creators to upload their music NFTs on the dapp, and like radio, anyone will be able to listen, all being powered by the blockchain

Users can then purchase or sell these NFTs on the secondary market like OpenSea, just like a normal ERC-721!

9. Crypto Twitter

This dapp is a platform like Twitter, but configured with the Ethereum blockchain.

Profiles are represented as non transferable tokens to represent memberships

Posts, and avatars are NFT-based, which allows for some pretty cool features…

10. ENS-Signature

This submission to the hackathon aims at bringing ENS names to DocuSign, for PDF signatures with Ethereum addresses.

In particular, this platform has some very interesting applications for legal contracts 👀


vrNFT is a platform that allows users to make tickets for virtual concerts, events, and more in the Metaverse.

Purchasers of the video NFTs will be able to equip their Oculus Quest and enter these events with their Ethereum address

12. Quest of Zelda

An NFT-based game with players and characters that have a unique story line that progresses based on decisions from the player.

No more forced cut-scenes, you control the story.

This allows for an adaptive, new type of gaming experience 🔥

13. dApp ideas (incomplete)

The prototype for this dApp proposed building a platform where people could mint their ideas for projects as an NFT, and instantly receive crowdfunding.

It’s a new, quick, & easy way to turn different ideas into a reality + grow a community

14. Cropsin

Cropsin is a platform built for small artists who want to connect directly with their fans & make them count most

Artist’s can create and sell NFTs that represent streaming royalties to music.

The bigger an artist gets, the more valuable the NFTs/royalties become.

15. Letter Loops

Letter loops uses Unlock Protocol and Swordy Bot on Discord to tokenize access to a discord group with roles.

Entrants purchase NFTs to gain access, & then progress roles based on questions in private channels

Total revenue is paid back to users by performance

16. NFTCerts

This application makes it extremely easy to issue and create certain NFT certificates for educational resources.

The dApp stores data on recognized certification standards, the “Open Badges” standard by the IMS.

This lets the NFTs serve as legible “proof of skill”

17. IMR-Experience

The IMR-Experience is a cool NFT integration with Snapchat & Open Sea.

You can easily create an immersive mixed reality experience with this awesome Snapchat OpenSea Lens for NFT artworks

18. Real Meta Key

This is a platform which allows for micro services on Ethereum. Users can support their favorite brands by purchasing an NFT that streams payments to brands.

Furthermore, these NFTs can serve as token gates to certain platforms for the community

19. Storyblocks

Storyblocks is a collaborative NFT project that rewards holders of the token, each representing a single word in a “story”

Rewards are paid to holders of previous words.

This way, holders are incentivized to keep the story going with crypto economic incentives.

20. Do[NFT]

With this tool, NFT holders of any asset can mint brand new tokens using their existing NFT assets. The new tokens are directly linked to an initial version.

The contract bundles the NFTs used for creation, and can then be unpacked at any time

I’m going to cut the list a little short here to add in my final thoughts as conclusion.

It’s important to remember that these submissions are 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘦.

They can (and will) be improved on and used by a growing network of devs in the future.

…and this is just one of the many hackathons hosted by ETHGlobal every month.

Now get this. This hackathon, with more than 200 fantastic projects submitted and produced, were all built in just two days.

That’s right, just 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴.

This is why it is undeniably clear to me that Ethereum is paving way for something extraordinary

Hundreds of thousands of skilled devs are working to reinvent the ways we transact with value on a decentralized layer of the internet, at a pace faster than we can even comprehend🥐

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