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Jan 25, 2022, 8 tweets

Illinois librarian holds her ground as an antimasker films himself throwing a tantrum after being asked to wear a mask.

This grown man totally sounds like he is about to cry over a mask.

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“I’m going to show you walking around without a mask so you can do it too!”

This man previously recording himself buying lemons maskless at an Aldi’s.

He told his followers to “have a backbone” over mask mandates.

This guy just caved to the librarian who held her ground.

This guy called the librarian, “Librarian Karen” and said “this story isn’t over” and a mask is a “face diaper.”

Danesh found him. Hello Joey Fuscone!

Joey has deleted his Instagram accounts. Maybe he did this because he posted an antimask video from his work van while driving.

Did you see they offered him a free mask?

Of course, a Trump supporter.

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