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Jan 25, 2022, 8 tweets

"Their politics may be vastly different, but their political style is scarily similar – and that could make her Labour's 'wild card'"

@CamillaTominey on why Angela Rayner could be the new 'Boris' in the making 👇…

"The power-dressing, fake-fur-loving Labour leadership hopeful is becoming positively Boris-like in her habit of hogging the headlines" writes @CamillaTominey…

🎙️"The 41-year-old mother-of-three might bristle at comparisons with her Dispatch Box nemesis, but the similarities are increasingly plain to see in their penchant for speaking without thinking and their star status as politicians with a populist touch"…

As one Labour colleague put it:

🗣️“You could say Angela is a bit like Boris in the way she trades on her big personality. Like him, she is also quite a complex character, with a complicated back story, and a USP that appeals to the party membership”

"It is no secret that straight-talking, plain-speaking Rayner has brought some much needed fizz to the Labour frontbench" says @CamillaTominey…

"There’s certainly no doubt they share the same fierce ambition, and despite coming from very different economic backgrounds, both grew up with a degree of instability"

🗣️"Described variously as “loyal to those loyal to her”, “fiery”, “quite calculating”, “occasionally ruthless” , “strong willed” and “a good laugh”, Ms Rayner’s growing reputation as one of Parliament’s “characters” certainly does drawn parallels with Johnson"

"Whether Labour or the country is ready for another colourful wild card to set the pace remains to be seen" writes @CamillaTominey


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