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Jan 25, 2022, 9 tweets

#OurTrueHistory @ShefVaidya

Our Universities flourished and perished !

Takshasila ( 1000BC - 500 A.D).

This is oldest among the universities in ancient India. It was well known as a centre of learning as early as during 700 B.C.Famous students are Panini,Chanakya,Jivaka.

Nalanda ( 425 A. D. - 1205 A.D)
University was founded by Sakraditya.The famous teachers associated with Nalanda are Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, Dinnaga, Padmasaihbhava, Shantarakshita, Aryadeva,Rahulabhadra, Asanga, Jayadeva, Chandrakirti,Dharmapala

Valabhi (600 A.D - 1200 A.D)

Valabhi was the capital of Maitraka kings during
the period 480-775 A. D ,it was born from the
benefactions of these kings. In about the middle of the 7th century when Hiuen Tsiang visited the place there were 6,000monks studying in the university.

Vikramas'ila (800 A.D - 1203 A.D)

It was founded by king Dharmapala in the 8th Century.
In the 12th century there were 3,000 monk scholars
studying at this university.Some famous scholars Acharya Buddha Jnanapada ,Vairochana Rakshita,Jetari.


Built by the second Pala king Dharmapala (781–821 ) of Pāla Dynasty.According to Tibetan sources,it is one of the five Mahaviharas


It is believed to have been established by Gopala I in the 8th century,considered the second oldest of India's Mahaviharas after Nalanda


Founded by Pala King Ramapala (1077-1120). Five great Mahaviharas stood out: Vikramashila; Nalanda, Somapura, Odantapurā, and Jagaddala


Pushpagiri was mentioned in the writings of the Chinese traveller Xuanzang (c. 602 – c. 664) .It flourished between 3rd and 11th centuries CE

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