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Working to erase Chicago's racial gap accessing COVID-19 Vaccines, & Tests, etc, by rebuilding Chgo's public health infrastructure via Ordinance (O2021-1214).

Jan 25, 2022, 8 tweets

.@AmerAcadPeds @hospitals4kids Jan 20 '22 Children & COVID-19: State-Level Wkly Data Rpt | Summary of Findings : Cumulative No. of Child COVID-19 Cases*…
@BCAgainstCOVID @LcacNews @WHCOVIDResponse @COVIDOversight @CongressmanRaja @RepBillFoster @CDCDirector

Jan 20 '22 Wkly Children & COVID-19 State Data - Full Rpt

•10,603,034 total child COVID-19 cases reported, and children represented 18.4% (10,603,034/57,745,512) of all cases

•Overall rate: 14,087 cases per 100,000 children in the population…

12 states have 300k+ child cases, 10 states have 22%+ child cases, 17 states have 18k+ per 100k. Overall rate is 14,087 cases per 100k. 2,032,031 new child cases added in last 2 wks, a 25.2% increase.

In the past week, cases still went up, highest cases in the south with the west coming in 2nd. Children were 25.5% of cases.

There have been 35,016 cumulative child hospitalizations and 789 cumulative child deaths due to COVID-19.

AZ, CA, FL, IL, MI, NJ, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN & WI have 300k+ child cases; AK, LA, MI, NH, NM, SC, TN, VT, WA, & WV have 22%+ child cases; AK, AZ, AR, CT, DE, IL, KY, MN, NH, NM, ND, RI, SC & WV have 18k+/100k child cases. AZ, NYC & OH have over 3k child COVID-19 hospitalizations.

TX has the most cumulative child deaths at 122, with AZ coming in 2nd at 56.

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