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New history of Rome's heyday - Pax - out now! Dinosaur lover. Stonehenge Tunnel hater. A 'leading English cricketer' - The Times. Podcast: @theresthistory

Jan 25, 2022, 6 tweets

To @britishmuseum, there to gawp at the wonders of Peru…

Jack Grealish’s leg (or possibly Inca, c. 1450)

Pot, Moche (1st millennium AD)

I’m a big fan of Ai-Apaec, the principal Moche deity, “who is identified by feline fangs & a belt decorated with snakes.”

(Feline fangs seem to have been a significant feature of early Peruvian art…)

What a wonderfully interesting, perfectly proportioned show (though I gather there is a lot more that might have been included…)

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