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Writer of words. Thinker of thoughts. These are them. I’m for Pugs, Justice, Democracy and the advancement of treatments for Neurological Disorders.

Jan 25, 2022, 8 tweets

Is it the heat? What is going on in Arizona?

Karen Fann is the AZ State Senate President. Rudy Giuliani is overseeing the effort to seat false electors. Christina Bobb is a reporter for OAN. Why did Rudy ask Bobb to forward declarations to Fann?🧵👇🏻

In essence, these ‘declarations’ were the statements of people who had thought they were witnessing ‘rampant voter fraud’ as one person put it. Here is the email from OAN reporter, I mean JAG officer, I mean CEO of Voices and Votes, I mean Rudy team member Bobb.

“Mayor Giuliani asked me.” 👆🏻👀👆🏻

And here, I thought the reporters were supposed to be asking the questions. Questions to Karen Fann like:

“At what point did you become aware of a plot to seat alternate electors?”

Because it looks like General Counsel informed Fann that AZ would have to change the laws for such a thing to occur and even if they did, those changes couldn’t be applied to the 2020 election. Fann knew this 12 days prior to the 14th. What did she know and when?

Another question a reporter might have asked was:

“Did you ask Rudy Giuliani to file a lawsuit so the judge could put a hold on the certification until [AZ] could get answers”?

And to bring it back around to Bobb, the declarations she sent was the ‘evidence’ Rudy would have used in the lawsuit Fann asked him to file.
If Tim Russert were alive, his whiteboard would read:

right about now.

@maddow @JoyAnnReid @January6thCmte

Documents for this thread were sourced from @weareoversight…

The one exception to that was the testimony of Chanel Rion re: her colleague and CEO of Voices and Votes from her deposition in the Coomer v trump et al defamation case which can be found here.

The State Senate President of AZ Karen Fann sending donors help pay for the fraudit to Voices and Votes which if you remember from just a few tweets ago is led by OAN reporter Christina Bobb. Cool. Cool.

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