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Hoosier, Political Analyst, Muckrake Podcast, Author THE MIDNIGHT KINGDOM: A HISTORY OF POWER, PARANOIA, AND THE COMING CRISIS @duttonbooks available now

Jan 26, 2022, 22 tweets

We stand on the edge of war with Russia and already Republicans are lining up to side with Vladimir Putin.

Let's talk about how the GOP and Fox News radicalized part of the country in order to dismantle democracy and how it endangers all of us.



What Rep Malinowski brought to people's attention yesterday isn't anything new. There has been an aggressive and intentional radicalization in America focused on making the GOP base more and more supportive of Putin and authoritarianism.


For years now, shockingly, the GOP has held a higher opinion of Putin than Democratic presidents.

This wasn't an accident, but the consequence of years' worth of manipulation, fearmongering, and a push of authoritarian, anti-democracy ideals for a purpose.


In the wake of all of this, we are watching the birth of a new movement called National Conservatism that is wrestling for control of the GOP.

It is authoritarian in nature and wants nothing more than an illiberal system in the United States.


Part of the trend in this direction began with the Obama Presidency, which Fox News and the GOP attacked as a socialist-dictatorship-in-waiting.

These were fascist, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories which frightened viewers and voters into believing a crisis was nigh.


The attack on Obama framed him as an Antichrist in thrall to the "New World Order" globalist conspiracy.

For some, it was the fulfillment of biblical prophecies, meaning there was a full-on war of Good vs. Evil.


Right Wing billionaires took advantage of the fearmongering, creating an artificial "Tea Party Movement" which forced the GOP even further right and into conspiracy world, all as a matter of dismantling government as a public good and earning more wealth for the wealthy.


Failure of a businessman Donald Trump recognized an opportunity with this development.

More than happy to use his celebrity to further racist conspiracy theories, he became a fixture on Fox News and Right Wing media, growing his position as a potential leader.


In all of this, Trump didn't serve as an ideologue. He had inherent authoritarian tendencies, but not much in the way of principles or discipline.

His candidacy, however, created a moment for authoritarian tendencies in America to massify into a movement.


People like Steve Bannon, who was obsessed with bringing an end to liberal democracy, saw an incredible opening with Trump.

Bannon jumped at the chance, using Trump and his movement to further sow anti-democratic, anti-liberal energies to try and change the world.


As president, Trump laundered authoritarians like Vladimir Putin, bestowing them power and legitimacy, assuring supporters they were on the same team.

This only furthered support among the GOP for Putin and other anti-democratic dictators.


To understand Putin's appeal to the GOP, we first have to look at what keeps him in power.

It's the same conspiracy theories and authoritarianism that is currently being peddled by the Republican Party.

In other words, they're on the exact same page.


The Republican Party, Putin, and other authoritarians around the world base their ideas on an opposition to "the New World Order" conspiracy theory that a satanic global cabal is attacking their cultures.

It's fascistic, anti-Semitic garbage, but effective.


Like Putin, the GOP holds that the only defense against the conspiracy against them is an embrace of Christianity, a reestablishment of past traditions and laws.

That is, to use religion as a means of asserting authority over all society.


We've been seeing this idea grow among the Right, including people like Tucker Carlson lauding authoritarian Viktor Orbán in Hungary, selling his control over politics and culture to his viewers.

This is part of this ongoing project of unseating liberal democracy.


The story Tucker and others like him are weaving is that "Western Civilization" (white Christian control) is under attack by a global conspiracy.

Democracy leaves it vulnerable, meaning a strongman is needed to bring order and reassert that control.


By selling Putin and Orbán to the GOP base, these people are preparing them for the destruction of democracy, widespread oppression through violence, intimidation, and censorship.

The ground is being prepared for an illiberal state controlled by white evangelical illiberals


National Conservatism is an anti-liberalism movement, an attempt to dismantle democracy in totality, unseat the current system of power, and erect something that looks more like Putinist Russia or Orbán's Hungary.

It's gaining traction by the day.


What we have seen so far is only a preview. The attempted coup was proof that this new movement could coalesce, take action, and threaten the system as it stands.

As Putin and Orbán to be sold to the GOP, these energies will only increase and spread.


It's not a coincidence that Fox and Right Wing media air all of these pro-Putin/anti-Biden segments.

They're serving as a propaganda organ for this whole thing, selling viewers on the need for a strongman and illiberalism, which benefits the wealthy and powerful.


The GOP, in lockstep with the same billionaires who created the Tea Party and funded January 6th, are purposefully radicalizing its voters and millions of Americans.

Support for Putin and other dictators is only going to grow if we don't recognize what they're doing and why


I don't know what's going to happen in Ukraine, but the crisis at the moment only underscores what has been happening and what continues to fester.

This authoritarian, neofascistic threat is growing with every single day. We have to see it and understand it.


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