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Jan 26, 2022, 9 tweets

Librarians in St. Charles, Illinois denied service to 15 mostly homeschool parents who claimed they are unable wear masks. The group plans to file ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) complaints over it.

Police came and then left after refusing to enforce the state mandate.

Many of the maskless homeschool parents were with the groups Freedom Illinois and Awake Illinois and came from out of town to protest the St. Charles library’s compliance with the state mask mandate.

One child was injured while running in the library.

Again with the ADA. Do these anti-maskers believe they all have disabilities that prevent them from wearing mask?

Of one them said a cop basically told them they were on their side.

One of the anti-masker leaders laughed while telling another mom to control her own kid for the live stream.

She also said businesses that enforce mask mandates discriminate against them and cited “MLK day” and being on the right “side of history.”

A concentration of 15 adults and 35 kids all have ADA covered conditions preventing them from masking?

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The St. Charles library has closed for in-person visits after threats following the anti-masker protest.…

The St. Charles Public Library is now issuing warning letters and 90 day bans and promising to file trespassing charges for anyone refusing to wear a mask.

The librarians are ready if the anti-maskers come back.

It’s sad because they could really benefit from access to good books.

Sadly, while the St. Charles library remains closed due to anti-maskers, so does The Daily Bean, a coffee shop inside the library that provides wages and career experiences to transition program students from CUSD 303.

Way to go Freedom Illinois and Awake Illinois!

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