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I write Popular Information, an independent newsletter dedicated to accountability journalism. | judd@popular.info | Signal/Text: 202-599-7124 | DMs open

Jan 26, 2022, 10 tweets

The Mcminn County School board in Tennessee just voted to ban a Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust

The vote was 10-0


Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. There is a wave of book banning across the nation.

More here: popular.info/p/the-war-on-l…

If you are interested in tracking these issues, I’ve been doing a lot of reporting on book banning and other attacks on free expression in my newsletter

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Tomorrow is International Holocaust Remembrance Day

This is a useful database of book banning and other censorship efforts across the country


MORE: A Mississippi mayor is "withholding $110,000 of funding from the Madison County Library System" until its libraries purge books w/LGBTQ themes

The mayor calls the books, including an essay collection by Elton John & others, "homosexual materials"


UPDATE: @Twitter informs me that it received a complaint about the tweet at the beginning of this thread, pursuant to German Law, but it will not be removed

@Twitter UPDATE: The author of Maus, Art Spiegelman, reacts to his book being banned

"It has the breath of autocracy and fascism"


@Twitter UPDATE: @realchrisrufo, who has fueled anti-CRT hysteria, defends the decision to ban Maus from 8th grade classrooms.

Oddly says that banning the book from the classroom is not a ban.

Book banning is part of a larger strategy.

@Twitter @realchrisrufo Let's go over the facts. Rufo claims the book has been "swapped out." It has not. The board does not have a replacement and the result, according to the board, is the entire module on the Holocaust will be skipped because Maus is the "anchor text."

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