Tom Holland Profile picture
New translation of Suetonius out now! Dinosaur lover. ‘A leading English cricketer' - The Times. Podcast: @theresthistory

Jan 27, 2022, 6 tweets

To Lancing, there to meet with the willow masters of @Newbery_Cricket, who - in readiness for the mighty deeds that I will be performing this coming summer - are going to be forging me a Bat of Power.

Some might say so, some might say so…

We arrive at @Newbery_Cricket, the Rivendell of the cricket kit-making world…

Beyond honoured to be THE FIRST PERSON IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD to get @Newbery_Cricket’s amazing new #BatBuilder service: the making of a customised & personalised cricket bat.

“Not even top professional cricketers have had access to a product as powerful as this.” #Elite

My choice of bat - ‘Centurion’, what else? - is honed by close analysis of my batting by a battery of @Newbery_Cricket’s Top Experts #Elite

The best day of 2022, without a doubt.

Thank you, @Newbery_Cricket!

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