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Jan 27, 2022, 20 tweets

From @SpookySwap To @tombfinance : Here’s A Guide To Yield Farming Opportunities On @FantomFDN

There are many yield farms in the diverse Fantom ecosystem, including farming, staking, lending and borrowing protocols, and many more.

This list is not limited to the mentioned and before entering any protocol, it is a must to Do Your Own Research (DYOR).

1. @GeistFinance is a decentralised non-governed liquidity market where buyers and borrowers and lend and borrow their synthetic assets. Geist Finance is backed by many key players and even the co-founder of the Fantom Foundation.

It currently offers borrowing/lending for the following assets: FTM, USDT, DAI, USDC, ETH, LINK, WBTC, CRV, MIM. All rewards are vested for 3 months and can be withdrawn with a 50% penalty.

TVL: (10/1/2022) $1.326 billion
Risk: Low
Audit Status: Audited twice

2. fWallet is the official place to stake $FTM and is designed by the Fantom Foundation. This is great from beginners but is limited in functionality and farming.

Most users single stake here or borrow synthetic assets by using wFTM as collateral.

Not that interestingly it is not possible to get liquidated, but you will be unable to withdraw your assets if your C-Ratio is too low.

TVL: None as it is technically not a protocol
Risk: Close to none
Audit Status: Audited

3. @SpookySwap is known as the first native farm and exchange on Fantom. It is also known as an all in one DEX for leveraging diversified funds across ecosystems. SpookySwap has the functions of swapping, providing liquidity, farming, staking $BOO, bridging and many more.

A unique feature is that they have a BugBounty Program. The BugBounty Program is initiated to reward white-hat hackers for finding possible exploits. Users can win up to $500,000 USD. 

TVL: (10/1/2022) $1.209 Billion
Risk: Low
Audit Status: Audited by CERTIK

4.@beethoven_x is a fork of Balancer V2 and allow users to swap, farm & stake. Its popular pools are The Fidelio Duetto and Fantom of the Opera.

TVL: (10/1/2022) $150 Million
Risk: High
Audit Status: No audit, but uses Balancer V2 contracts which have completed several audits.

5. @CurveFinance is a decentralised exchange liquidity pool designed for efficient and effective stablecoin trading. It is well known across the cryptocurrency industry. It was initially designed on Ethereum but has ranged to support a variety of platforms.

Its downside is that it does not exactly have the highest offered APY%.

TVL: (10/1/2022) $22.969 Billion Across all supported networks
Risk: Close to None
Audit Status: Audited

6. @beefyfinance is a multi-chain yield optimizer on the networks of BSC/MATIC/AVAX/FTM and many more. It is hard to find an annual % higher than this platform. By applying auto compounding and farming optimization strategies, it effectively offers more annual % as well as ROI.

In a nutshell, it takes in your LP tokens and periodically sells the rewards for you. 

TVL: (10/1/2022) $440.78 Million 
Risk: Medium
Audit Status: Audited

7. @TarotFinance is a decentralized leveraged lending protocol for liquidity providers to leverage their LP tokens to earn enhanced yield farming rewards. Tarot is not recommended for beginners due to the possibility of getting liquidated.

The yields on Tarot are very attractive, with a stablecoin LP pairing being able to reach 168% with leverage. Users can also participate as lenders or borrowers in their isolated lending pools. 

TVL: (10/1/2022) $160.94 Million 
Risk: Medium
Audit Status: Audited

8. @financegrim is another lending protocol that was quite popular initially. Despite being audited however, hackers exploited $30 million from Grim Finance, making it a red flag for many humble farmers. 

TVL: (10/1/2022) $18.41 Million 
Risk: Very High
Audit Status: Audited

9. @Spirit_Swap is a protocol that adds incentive for Fantom network participants by introducing revenue sharing through the AMM model.Their current most popular pool is the stablecoin pool with 70% APR.

TVL: (10/1/2022) $262 Million 
Risk: Medium
Audit Status: Audited

10. @tombfinance is quite well known and heavily supported by the infamous @harryyeh. They have 3 unique currencies of TOMB, TSHARE, and TBOND. The interesting thing part is that TOMB is pegged to FTM in a 1:1 ratio.

In addition, TOMB, can be exchanged for TBOND. TBOND however is a locked asset and only can be redeemed above the peg.

TVL: (10/1/2022) $262 Million 
Risk: Low/Medium
Audit Status: Audited

There are a variety of strategies and farms available in the FTM ecosystem not just limited to this list.

Sometimes, it is effective to borrow funds from one protocol and stake them in another. It is always great to DYOR before investing.…

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