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Jan 27, 2022, 7 tweets

Kyiv feels like a city caught in a moment in time, suspended between humdrum normality and the threat of looming conflict.

There are thousands of Russian troops just a few hours' drive north of here, but life goes on as it has for seven years of war

Among the pickled vegetables on her stall in a cold and draughty Soviet-era market building, Sky’s @DominicWaghorn met Tatiana.

President Volodymyr Zelenzky had addressed the nation urging his people not to panic. Tatiana seemed unimpressed

"We are all worried because everyone wants peace. We have kids and grandchildren so we don't want war to happen. We won't panic until the Russian tanks arrive in Kyiv," she told @DominicWaghorn

Roman Nabozhniak fought in the last war with Russia. In peacetime, he's become a baker.

He told @DominicWaghorn he's stopped listening to the politicians, instead, preparing with his reserve unit for if Russia invades

The citizens of Kyiv are taking the latest twists and turns in the diplomatic crisis over Ukraine in their stride.

But Arseniy Yatsenyuk, former prime minister and now the opposition leader, is worried the west is not sending a strong enough message to Vladimir Putin

He told @DominicWaghorn that Ukraine needs a lot more than anti-tank missiles.

"What we need out of the west? We need the shipment of lethal defensive weapons," he said

Germany promised to join the effort to send help to Ukraine on Wednesday. Five thousand German helmets are on their way.

"What next?" asked the mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko in jest. "Pillows?"


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