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pushing chain abstraction @socketprotocol & @bungeeexchange helping builders through @cryptotesters investing through @sogitocapital

Jan 27, 2022, 16 tweets

it's easy to miss all the amazing developments happening in the space with all the noise surrounding crypto twitter everyday

ignore the ponzis, embrace innovation, contribute to builders who are in for the long term

here's a couple of projects i'm bullish on👇

first off, i'm mostly focusing on L2's this year (#L22022 is not a meme😜)

Many new L2 native projects launching in the next couple of weeks, completely skipping mainnet

Once you get a taste of the cheap transaction fees there's no turning back..

one of the few use cases I am still willing to use Ethereum mainnet for are high-value NFT's, a sector which is on absolute fire

a trend to watch out for here is the on-going fragmentation of the NFT space with @LooksRareNFT @Coinbase_NFT etc. launching their own marketplaces

NFT aggregators like @gemxyz are likely to capitalize from this

think there will also be more niche, vertical specific marketplaces popping up as mainstream realizes that NFTs are not limited to PFP's

@soundxyz_ for music NFT's or @sloikaxyz for digital photography e.g

even in DeFi we have only scratched the surface of what can be achieved with NFTs

big fan of @NestedFinance e.g (launch soon) which is kind of a eToro for Web3

create token baskets (strategies), represented by a unique NFT, and earn royalties if others copy trade you

i also expect a significant uptake of NFT activity on L2

you can already see this with @Treasure_DAO on @arbitrum an NFT ecosystem hosting several metaverses (Bridgeworld, @SmolBrainsNFT, @LifeNFT_ ) all cleverly utilizing $MAGIC in their respective lore

very special project!

tokenization of real world collectibles like cards, watches, art, sneakers etc. is an equally interesting area within the NFT space

temporarily decoupling the physical object from the ownership token means - but guaranteeing redemption - makes it much easier to trade

moreover, there's a ton of momentum in Web3 social media

good place to get a taste of it is on @gmdotxyz where you can:

- sign-in with ethereum
- display your NFT's
- verify your ENS
- token-gate your inbox or community

to be clear the example above is still a hybrid Web 2.5

a full Web3 social media entails a decentralized social graph - your fully-composable web of connections and interests that you can import into any social media app and get a feature rich experience from day 1

one important building block for social media (and Web3 in general) is identity

super excited to see @Sismo_eth launch soon which will allow you to build up an online identity without leaking your wallet address(es)

things like:
- i own a punk
- i have > 100 $AAVE
- i voted 10x

in DeFi option markets are going to have their break-through in 2022

huge fan of @lyrafinance, @dopex_io, @PremiaFinance etc.

liquidity is still too thin though and fragmented - @PolynomialFi is building the @1inch for options to solve this

on @arbitrum 👀

obviously i'm most bullish of all on @HopProtocol which will stands to benefit significantly from the L2 uptake

it's already super seamless and inexpensive to hop between L2's with Hop - but in 2022 it will be even cheaper and better

i hope for $100b in volume (100x) 😅

for all this Web3 buidling we'll need efficient and scalable tools to run on-chain organizations

tools like @joincolony @koopxyz @SyndicateDAO and many many more are working on this 👀…

if you're building something reach out to me - the @cryptotesters community and I love testing new products and providing feedback

oh yeah expect DeFi 1.0 comeback 😜

protocols like @AaveAave @synthetix_io @Uniswap etc. have withstood the test of time, care about security and decentralization and have amazing 2022 roadmaps

if DeFi has any legitimacy in normieland it's thanks to their continued work

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