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Jan 27, 2022, 13 tweets

Thread: Here’s my video report from #DefeatTheMandatesDC. Unlike cartoonish propaganda from Pfizer-funded corporate media, I strive to show the real character of the rally. @MaxBlumenthal explains how it's part of a global medical freedom movement.

In the days and hours before the rally, corporate media talking heads cited anonymous government officials to warn that "extremists" would attend and might be violent. I asked a rally goer what he thought.

#DefeatTheMandatesDC united people as they overcame political differences. This is why the establishment is so threatened.

FDNY's Sophy Medina explains how New York City crews were already shortstaffed before vaccine mandates decimated them. Mandates increase fire danger in the name of "public health."

New York City activists Tramell Thompson @progressiveact, @jospeakstruth_ and @Tslind33 called for unity against vaccine mandates regardless of political background and race, and explained how mandates exacerbate pre-existing inequality.

Retired NBA player Kwame Brown explains the media vilification of NBA star Kyrie Irving, who has resisted pressure to comply with New York City's COVID vaccine mandate.

This is the full clip that Pfizer-funded media outlets attacked @RobertKennedyJr over. His point was that the US government is the most advanced surveillance state in history, far beyond the capabilities of the Third Reich. That's an indisputable fact.

As I was interviewing the mother of 13-year-old Maddie de Garay, who was severely injured in a Pfizer vaccine trial, Pfizer-funded MSNBC hack @BrandyZadrozny was live on TV smearing people who say the vaccines aren't safe. Completely shameless.

Physicians like @richardursomd and @MdBreathe have been vilified for questioning the safety of experimental vaccines and advocating for early treatment.

.@akheriaty helped develop UC Irvine's COVID policy and was fired for resisting the vaccine mandate. He's part of an action to force Pfizer to release its experimental vaccine trial data, which is has thus far concealed from the public.

This is an essential explanation from @akheriaty and former Trump admin advisor Dr. Paul Alexander on how technocrats crafted lockdowns that were used to restructure society for the benefit of elites, while mainstream media ignored harmful effects on regular people.

Attorney Parisa Fishback is seeking to hold legally accountable the architects of deadly lockdown policies. Dr. Paul Alexander calls on governments to end restrictions while still taking necessary precautions.

Huge thanks to @BTHeadline and @MintPressNews for giving me the freedom and resources to do in-depth reporting on this rally. If you want to see more coverage like this, please considering contributing to our Patreon. patreon.com/MintPressNews

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