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Jan 28, 2022, 9 tweets

Russia’s foreign minister has said Russia does not want a war after the US warned Moscow may invade Ukraine next month.

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The UK has told domestic organisations to bolster their defences against possible Russian cyberattacks as the Ukraine crisis rumbles on.

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Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko has said that conflict will only break out if Belarus or its close ally Russia are directly attacked.

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US Ambassador to Moscow John Sullivan has said that economic sanctions on Russia would be just one part of the West’s response if the Russian military were to invade Ukraine.

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We break down the history, politics and economics of the Ukraine-Russia crisis in 8 graphics:

Why is Turkey trying to mediate the Ukraine-Russia crisis?

‘Hysteria has negative consequences and actually damages Ukraine’

Al Jazeera speaks to a Ukrainian sociologist, about the crisis between Moscow and Kyiv

President Zelenskyy has called on Russia to prove its claims it has no intention of invading Ukraine.

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Ukraine conflict is ‘not inevitable’, Pentagon chief says

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